Monday, August 10, 2015

Murals Created By This Year's "After School Mural Club"

Back in June the After School Mural Club presented two new murals at a ceremony held in the cafeteria.  The photographs below show the finished murals along with a few photos of the work in progress. The murals were started back in December and the club put in many hours of hard work to complete the Murals by the end of the school year.  The murals will be permanently displayed in Frolio's hallways . 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

What We Have Been Up To During This Very Long Winter

I have not posted for a while and I want to share all the great things happening in Art and C.T.D class. The snow days may have disrupted our routine a bit, but we are back at creating and problem solving. The photographs below are evidence that the long winter did not slow the students down one bit.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


It has been a while since my last post and I have lots of photographs and news to share, so check back often as I will be updating frequently.

Trimester 2 started right before holiday break and grade 7 students started with a unit on Technology and its impact on our lives.  We quickly transitioned to "Construction Technology" and structures.  I like to get students started with hands-on labs as quickly as possible. I presented the students with two challenges.  The first was to design and build a structure capable of supporting a heavy load (cinder block and rocks) constructed from one sheet of printer paper, one sheet of overhead projector paper, two straws and 12 inches of tape.  The second challenge required the students to build the tallest, free standing tower possible from  one sheet of printer paper and six inches of tape.  The tallest was just shy of 50 inches.  The photographs below display some of the creative results.